Fields of law

Labour Law

The relationship between employer and employee runs on a very complicated model. Without basic knowledge of aspects of labour law it is very hard to assert rights.

If you are not familiar with the legal terminology in a foreign language it is very hard to successfully solve labour disputes. To avoid serious troubles it is advisable to contact our law office. We are prepared to draft up a contract for you and to prove your contract of employment.

We are pleased to advise you on all aspects of labour law. Some of them are listed below:

Irregular payment of salary
A qualified legal consultation improves your chances in court.

Our Russian speaking lawyer is willing to secure protection against dismissal in Germany. We will do our utmost to help you to keep your job and to receive compensation.

Furthermore our Russian speaking lawyer provides information about numerous victories in the court and grants you a qualified legal protection.

If you have any queries about any aspect of labour law, whether you are an employer or an employee please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be pleased to provide you with all required information.


Knowledge and experience are our main foundation for professional conduct of business.


We speak the same language with the client. Free communication in German, English, Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​is possible.


Years of experience and the recommendations of our customers are an indicator of our quality work.


Creative and individual approach to each client


The duty to preserve lawyer secrets is the foundation of a trusting relationship between us and our clients.